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Politburo meeting examined and adopted the "Healthy China 2030" Plan

2016-09-09 09:25:41 Read

Politburo August 26 meeting, approved the "Healthy China 2030" Plan. CPC Central Committee General Secretary Xi Jinping presided over the meeting. 

The meeting held that health is a necessary requirement to promote the comprehensive development of the people is the basis of the conditions of economic and social development, is an important symbol of national prosperity and the prosperity of the country, but also the pursuit of the common masses. Fifth Plenary Session of the party's eighteen clearly promote the healthy Chinese construction from the "Five in One" and the overall layout of "four comprehensive" strategic layout of view, the current and future periods to better protect people's health have made institutional arrangements. Preparation and implementation of "Healthy China 2030" Plan is to implement the party's eighth session of the Fifth Plenum, major initiatives to protect people's health, for building a moderately prosperous society and accelerating the socialist modernization of great significance. At the same time, which is China's active participation in global health governance, an important measure of the United Nations' 2030 sustainable development agenda "commitments.
The meeting noted that the establishment of new China, especially the reform and opening up, reform and development of our significant achievements in the field of health, people's health continued to improve. Meanwhile, China is also faced with industrialization, urbanization, population aging and disease spectrum, environment, changing lifestyles and other new challenges, the need to comprehensively address the relationship between people's health and the major long-term issues.

The meeting stressed that "Healthy China 2030" Plan for the next 15 years is to promote the health of China Construction Programme of Action. To adhere to the people-centered development thinking, firmly establish and implement the innovation, coordination, green, open, shared concept of development, adhere to proper sanitation and health approach, adhere to the health priority, innovation, scientific development, a fair and impartial in principle, in order to improve people's health as the core mechanism reform innovation as the driving force, from the wide range of health factors start to popularize healthy life, optimization of health services, improve health security, building a healthy environment, health industry as the focus, the health into all policies, comprehensive, full-cycle to protect people's health and significantly improve the health significantly improved health equity.

The meeting pointed out, China to promote the healthy development must adhere to prevention, the implementation of a healthy and civilized way of life, and create a green and safe and healthy environment, reduce disease. To adjust and optimize the health service system, strengthen early diagnosis, early treatment, early rehabilitation, adhere to basic security, strong grass-roots, building mechanism, to better meet people's health needs. To insist on sharing, national health, adhere to government-led, mobilize the whole society to participate in, highlighting solve health problems of women and children, the elderly, persons with disabilities, migrants, low-income people and other key groups. To strengthen the organization and implementation, increasing government spending, deepening the reform of institutional mechanisms to accelerate the construction of health human resources, scientific and technological innovation to promote the health, building health information service system, strengthen the rule of law health, expand exchanges and cooperation in international health.
The meeting stressed that Party committees and governments at all levels to enhance the sense of responsibility and urgency, the health of the people on the strategic position of priority development, pay close attention to study and formulate supporting policies, adhere to problem-oriented, pay close attention padded short board, continue to implement the "two one hundred in "goal to achieve the great rejuvenation of the Chinese dream of health and lay a solid foundation.

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